Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How To Find Poor Credit Home Mortgage Lenders

What would you do if you have very poor credit yet you so desperately want to buy a house and have a home you could call your own?

Relax, there is a solution to your predicament. Though having poor credit would usually make home purchasing a tad difficult, it is not entirely impossible.

The following are some of the options one could consider in finding poor credit lenders.

Ask, ask, ask

It is okay if you ask the seller to be the one who will carry the housing loan. If in case the seller somehow still has money owed on the house, it is possible to acquire a mortgage wraparound.

Basically, this type of mortgage allows one to make a payment every month on a mortgage that is existing as well as additional payment that will cover the other balance.

Pursue an option for lease

Via pursuing an option for lease, this allows one to set the current purchasing price as well as apply a small portion of a particular rent every month towards the down payment.

After each lease period (usually between twelve to thirty six months), the prices should then have increased and should have equity accrued.

Be aware that if such an option is not utilized, money paid to a particular seller will not be returned.

Increase, increase, increase

It is okay to increase the price you are more than willing to pay to a particular seller.
After which, asking the seller to credit the money to you back in order for that to be utilized as a down payment for cost closing is perfectly fine.

Do not be afraid to borrow

Borrowing money from relatives and friends would help in defraying costs for closing as well as in increasing down payment.

Also, borrowing from retirement or pension plans is another way to increase down payment.

Maybe a mortgage broker could help

Availing the mortgage that is best for you could probably be helped by availing the services of a broker.

This could be done by contacting local and state realtor boards for the list of brokers in your local area. You could also ask around your own circle of real estate friends or agents for additional references.

All in all, buying a home is easy as long as you are willing to spend the necessary time to expend the energy needed to buy the home of your dreams. Because, believe it or not, it is possible.

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